Sunday, April 24, 2016

Dumb things Celebrities have Said

"Smoking Kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.'
-Brooke Shields
  • Now if you have died, it is reasonable to assume that you have ceased to have any important parts to your life, because you're dead. Now, Brooke is coming from a good place here, and simply put her foot in her mouth.

"I won't go into a big spiel about reincarnation, but the first time I was in the Gucci store in Chicago was the closest I've ever felt to home."
-Kanye West 
  • This quote almost makes sense, but it needed to be a more complete thought. 

"I think that the film Clueless was very deep. It was deep in the way that it was very light. I think lightness has to come from a very deep place if it's true lightness"
-Alicia Silverstone
  • Ladies and gentlemen this is what you would call writing your speech for L.A. on the bus ride to school. 

A few gems from Jaden Smith's twitter...
"If a book store never runs out of a certain book dose..." (yes he spells it that way I know how to spell does)"...that mean that nobody reads it, or everybody reads it."
  • Wow, that is so profound Jaden. I feel sorry for Will Smith, all of his talent was too happy inside his body and refused to be passed onto his two offspring.

"School is the tool to brainwash the youth"
  • Yes, don't go to school kids, then you'll be successful! Oh wait, that's not how it works. "But Bill Gates didn't have a college diploma" -Annoying Kid. Yes, and you're not a genius like he is now are you?
"If newborn babies could speak they would be the most intelligent beings on planet earth"
  • WHY? God, you're faux philosophical tweets are ridiculous. 
"How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?"
  • He's into bs territory now,
"Trees are never sad look at them every once in a while they're quite beautiful."
  • And so so so many more...
"I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with hitting a woman."
  • You know, I don't know where to stand on this, however you shouldn't hit anyone unless your life is in danger. Some could argue that he refuses to see women as different and will treat them the same as men. If taken at face value it would seem that he is a woman beater.  He either believes in total equality, or doesn't have a problem hitting one, I can't decide what he means. Now I couldn't forgive myself if I ever hit a woman I cared for, because that would mean that I was no better than any other scumbag.
Now switching to other celebrities

"Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna, but it says 'Chicken of the Sea.'"
-Jessica Simpson
  • I'll be honest, I made the same mistake when I was 5, confused the crap out of me.
"Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a Belieber."
-Justin Bieber
  • Oh my god, talking about Anne frank like she is some terminally ill kid in a hospital is offensive. Oh wait, that's offensive when any celebrity takes 30 seconds from their day to appear like they care about others instead of bloating their own over inflated egos, my mistake. God, the audacity of this guy, A good girl? You didn't even know her, you probably read the cliff-note of her diary.
"I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitchin', a total freakin' rock star from Mars."
-Charlie Sheen
  • I'm not gonna poke fun at a guy with a horrible addiction problem, he does the public a service by showing kids what happens when you do drugs, oh wait if people look at his life that may make drugs look enticing, oh well.
"I'd rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a can."
-Gwyneth Paltrow
  • God I hate this insufferable actress with such a passion. It seems as though her entire life is dedicated to being the most pretentious and whiny person possible. Don't be fooled folks her life is as hard as a family below the poverty line, they don't know how hard she has it. Yes, I bet poor people would hate to have to go off of food stamps and be able to live an adequate life, let alone an extremely lavish life at that. 
"I spoke to a girl today who had cancer, and we were talking about how this is such a hard thing for her, but it taught her a big lesson on who her friends are and so much about life. She's 18. And I was like, that's how I feel."
-Kim Kardashian
  • You're comparing your life Kim, the one were you get naked to be famous and then again whenever you think your fame is slipping, to someone with cancer. Do you have the fear of death hanging over you every single day? Is your body filled with poison in hopes of killing the cancerous cells within you? No, you have a terrible reality show. Granted she is an extremely talented marketer and has amassed a great fortune, gotta give credit where credit is due, she IS successful for reasons other than her looks.
"All of a sudden, you're, like, the bin Laden of America. Osama bin Laden is the only one who knows exactly what I'm going through."
-R. Kelly
  • Actually I'm pretty sure Osama didn't pee on underage girls, so in that respect you are worse than Osama bin Laden Mr/ Kelly. Granted R. Kelly is no terrorist, just a pervert and has a knack for saying some dumb things. 
"I'd kill myself if I was as fat as Marilyn Monroe."
-Elizabeth Hurley
  • For starters who is Elizabeth Hurley? Oh, nobody else? Yeah me either, and yet I know Marilyn Monroe, because she is an American icon. Other than that, wow what a harsh statement. Monroe is THE sex symbol of the 1950's and 1960's, I imagine she was many girls inspiration for what they wanted to look like. She shows woman that curves are beautiful and that is a wonderful thing, screw Elizabeth Hurley.
Thanks to for supplying this list of quotes for me to commentate on.

Jeff Dunham

Mr. Dunham, a ventriloquist with a collection of outspoken dummies he uses as a license to make politically incorrect remarks about all sorts of groups, had built a huge following even before “The Jeff Dunham Show” made its debut on Comedy Central in October. “Huge” somehow feels like an understatement. One of his YouTube videos just racked up its 100 millionth viewing.
Mr. Dunham developed that fan base through long years on the comedy circuit, late-night talk show appearances and DVD sales. But now that he is in prime time — yes, it’s on cable, but still prime time — something about his weekly show has caused both bloggers and mainstream television critics to get out their knives.
“The Jeff Dunham Show Is the Worst Thing in the Entire World,” a rant on was headlined. And a writer for The Chicago Tribune said, “There are gay jokes, bathroom jokes, racist jokes and a bit that will surely be offensive to White Trash Americans,” adding: “At best, you won’t laugh. At worst, you will weep for the half-hour you have lost and destroy all the puppets in your home.”
Mr. Dunham’s dummies are not exactly lovable Lamb Chops, or even mischievous Charlie McCarthys. They include Achmed the Dead Terrorist (he of the 100 million views), a skeletal suicide bomber; Walter, an angry old white guy; and Sweet Daddy Dee, a jive-talking black man identified in skits as Mr. Dunham’s manager. Any given Achmed bit is liable to have jokes about the 72 virgins and to carry the strong implication that the only thing Arabs and/or Muslims are interested in is killing everyone else (though Mr. Dunham has tried to sidestep criticisms of Achmed by saying the character isn’t Muslim). A Sweet Daddy routine is sure to mock Mr. Dunham for not being able to talk “street,” and Walter is prone to making exceedingly vulgar remarks about women, among others. Oh, and the puppets like to question Mr. Dunham’s sexuality.
Sure, people who like their humor only a certain way are going to find such stuff offensive, but the history of television is filled with comedies that found somebody to offend. Sometimes it was the offensiveness of an earlier time when sensitivity wasn’t a top priority — the whole tone of the television version of “Amos ’n’ Andy” in the early 1950s, for instance; the mentally dim Goober of “The Andy Griffith Show” and the whiskey-brewing Indians of “F Troop” in the 1960s. But often it was calculated.
Spike TV plays to a crowd that views women as sex objects, but so did “Three’s Company” 30 years ago. Whom might Mr. Dunham have looked to for precedent when creating his deliberately stereotypical dummies? How about the revered “Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In” of 40 years ago, with its dumb blonde (Goldie Hawn), broad black caricature (Flip Wilson) and irascible old people (Ruth Buzzi’s Gladys character and Arte Johnson’s leering geezer). What constitutes “offensive” has a lot to do with who is doing the judging, and when.
And nothing in “The Jeff Dunham Show” comes close to the scathing satire of the average episode of “South Park,” which has been praised for years for boldly going where no show has gone before. Just a few weeks ago “South Park” managed the difficult trick of outraging both big-engine-loving flag wavers and some gay-rights advocates with an episode that involved repurposing a slur applied to gay people so that it referred to Harley owners instead. Dunham critics might argue that “South Park” is funny while Mr. Dunham’s show isn’t. Ultimately, though, viewers define “funny.” Mr. Dunham’s first episode drew an audience of 5.3 million, a record for Comedy Central. That Harley-related “South Park” drew 2.8 million viewers, the Nielsen Company reported; Mr. Dunham’s show that same week drew 2.3 million.

Trashy Pop Culture Time

Although I may not spend hours making these blog posts perfect, I at least try to find interesting topics, or informative ones at that. However, these coming weeks I plan to write about the lives of celebrities and all the antic they get into, along with the public's perception of their character. Celebrities are always there to make us laugh or entertain us, however during their various performances they make mistakes. Those mistakes are captured by paparazzi or by the various television cameras that surrounds them at all times.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Killing Them Safely

                    Killing them safely is a documentary about the criticisms of the use of tasers by the police. This documentary shows taser use in a very negative light, and attempts to persuade the viewer that tasers are not what they seem to be.The film also shows a lot of police brutality to try and persuade the viewer that the police are violent and ready to use physical force. Now I do not think the documentary is saying tasers are evil, I believe the main goal of this documentary is to show how the company TASER lied to police by saying that their product is 100% safe. TASER's claim gave the police the idea that  tasers are nonlethal so they use them indiscriminately. What the police do not know is that Tasers can cause ventricular defibrillation which leads to cardiac arrest.  This documentary does mean well, but I don't know what they want police to do. Would they prefer that the police use batons, and firearms more often? Yes pepper spray is an option, however it is not consistent in its effect on those it is used upon. There are multiple other "non-lethal" weapons which can very easily become lethal, but this is no different from any other product, any product can kill. Examples of these alternative options are bean bag rounds, which when shot with one hits an individual with the force of a fastball thrown by a major league pitcher, obviously that can become lethal in an instant.  Now I am not against the taser, it makes the polices job easier. It also gives policemen an option that isn't shooting the suspect with their sidearm, or beating someone with their club. I do think the taser can be dangerous, but it is similar to chemotherapy in a way. Say you have terminal cancer, you know you can have chemotherapy which gives you a chance to survive, or you can die. Now say you are high on meth streaking down main street and you lunge at a cop who is trying to subdue you, would you rather they shoot you twice in the head and once in the chest with a shotgun? or would you rather be tased? I believe that is an easy decision.

Darkest Dungeon

     Now I know that everyone has different tastes in games, but this is one I highly recommend to everyone. Especially those who enjoy a turn based combat game, with RPG elements, and a classic dungeon crawler feel. Darkest Dungeon is a mix between the classic horror/gothic sci-fi novels Dracula, and Frankenstein respectively. An ancient house looks over a dreary town as the master of the mansion toils away the days in pursuit of a mad goal. He seeks to open up a portal to another realm. Once his goal is complete he is horrified with his actions which cause so many people he loves dearly to perish. Like the mad doctor Frankenstein he vows to right his wrongdoings and seeks to free the land from the oppressive grasp of the unholy creatures that spawned from the portal that is located in the dungeons underneath his manor.
Darkest Dungeon has implemented a unique gameplay mechanic by utilizing stress as a handicap for your heroes. Stress is used as a psychological weapon that can cause your heroes to become insane,or inspirational which one is dependent on the character, or is a physical weapon by giving a hero a heart attack if stress becomes too high. Basically it is another health bar, only this is one you want to stay empty. In the dungeons your heroes will gain stress when it is dark (you can manage the light level with torches, low light and full light both have trade offs such as increased rarity of loot received and additional stress the lower the light level is), if they are hit with a critical attack or an attack whose purpose is to raise stress then their stress level will raise even further.
             Once a hero's stress level (S.L.) reaches 100, (it ranges from 0-200) the hero will either become crazy, which causes them to talk crap about their teammates raising their S.L. as well. If they are crazy they will also pass on turns, not take healing potions, attack without you choosing which move you wanted them to perform, and just be annoying in general. On the other side of the spectrum a hero can also become inspirational, this typically lowers his/her stress by 50-60 points and can cause him/her to heal themselves. They will rally the party and become a juggernaut of hope who becomes invaluable if you want your party to survive.
This game has quite a bit of content and is oh so fun that it would take me forever to explain it, I advise you to go to a professional and hear what he has to say about this game. Either go to YouTube and find TotalBiscuits video review "WTF is... Darkest Dungeon?", or simply click on this link to get you there faster



For Government class we are mock senators in the senate debating a hypothetical situation regarding parking in high school. We made our own amendments to the original bill, and the study conducted is our own.
The Proposal
Providing, for the consideration of a school policy that would provide reasonable parking accommodations for Seniors.

Resolved, that the student parking policy shall be instituted as follows:
a.) Students must have a valid driver's license
b.) Seniors have the ability to receive permits exclusively for the first two weeks of August. After that period expires, juniors will then be able to receive their south lot permits if any are available to them.
c.) Parking permits for the nearby churches will be given out on a first come first serve basis for a nominal fee. Oakland will be $60 per spot, Gospel Tabernacle will be $80, and Lovely Lane will be $90.
d.) Campus lots will not be open to freshmen or sophomores.
e.) Students who have year-long unusual schedules such as those with Kirkwood classes or who are in building traits are allowed to reapply for North lot privileges before other students.
f.) In an effort to enforce amendment “d”, the fine for breaking said amendment will come in the form of a $25 parking ticket.

Committee Name: Student Union

Below is a survey conducted and created by half of our committee while the other half attended to their jobs respectively.

Government Survey

1:_____.) What grade are you in (10th, 11th or 12th)?
2:_____.) Do you drive yourself to school?
3:_____.) Do you drive to school with more than one person in the car? If yes, how many?
4:______________.) If you do drive to school, where do you park?
5:_____.) In the lot that your sticker allows you to park in, do you have a hard time finding parking spaces?
6:_____.) Would you be willing to pay $30 per south lot sticker in order to expand the north lot next year to increase the amount of parking available?

96 surveys were given out to Mr. Cory's 0, 2,3,4, and 5 hour classes, students were asked to answer 6 questions in an effort to collect data on the students experience with parking at Kennedy.
  • Out of the 96 surveys, 49 were filled out by juniors, and 47 by seniors.
  • 83 of those surveyed drive to school, and 18 of those drivers carpool with 1 to 3 people in the car.
  • Out of those 83 drivers, 62.65% of students said they parked in the south lot, leaving the remaining 31.74% of students to park in the surrounding churches.   5.6% of students surveyed do not park on school grounds at all. They stated that they had a later class, and by the time they had to be at school there were no spots available in the south lot.
  • Students who are able to find parking spots in their designated area often stated a reason for them finding parking, which was their zero hour class, and whenever they skipped zero hour and arrived around first hour then they were unable to find parking.
  • Each age group had a polarizing effect on the data for question 6, perhaps this is due to students not knowing that it is a purely hypothetical question. The most common response for seniors was no, and many gave the reasoning of “I am a senior so this has no effect on me”. On the opposite side of the spectrum, juniors answered yes over 80% of the time. If this question were more clear, the data would have have most likely shifted to more answers of yes than no.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hardcore Henry

       Hardcore Henry is essentially the video game movie, it earns this title by having the entire movie shot in first person from "Henrys'" perspective, popular video games such as Call of Duty are the same way, except this movie is more like Syndicate (way better than call of duty but thats another story). Basically this film is a mash up of Robo-cop, Taken, Kung Fu Hustle, Kung Fury, and it does well. I was very skeptical going into this film I thought it would be a cheap action flick,so I lowered my expectations. For the first twenty to twenty five minutes the camera was extremely shaky, after that I either got used to it, or the editors did something to stabilize the camera, I have no idea what though. Surprisingly enough I enjoyed Hardcore Henry quite a bit, it has such a boyish charm that it's hard not to smile and get into the film. What critics are praising this film the most is how the entire movie feels like one continuous shot.
       Henry is a parkeuring, shooting, angry crazy man, a cyborg who is almost like a superhero who is trying to get his wife back from this albino guy. Every character besides Henry is in the background, their sole purpose is to provide a reason for the non-stop action. 

The Not So Fantastic 4

If any of you know anything about the on screen fantastic 4 movies then you know were this is going. here goes.

      Well guys this movie had everything, it had drama, comedy, action, great cgi (computer generated images), and an amazing story line, oh wait that was Guardians of the Galaxy. Like the previous installments, this movie had little to no story, poor cgi, and was a waste of money. This movie was such a bore that I almost left early. In fact, I saw at least 10 other people leave halfway through. The fantastic 4 reboot was a blatant cash grab, it didn't try to hide this fact whatsoever with lazy writing, and lack of anything going on during the whole movie. Oh man the dialogue was awful, with gems like "hey Reed", "I AM smarter than you", "This better work", "It's clobbering time" it's a wonder that this movie wasn't more compelling.  The whole movie had a kind of wink wink nudge nudge type of irony, like you (the audience) know our superhero names and catch phrases but we don't...yet.
      Fox owns the rights to the fantastic four despite marvels being the creator of the comic, so marvels name was used to draw people into the movie. I heard people around me wondering why marvel would make such a bad film and how they would incorporate the infinity stones with these heroes. Basically, people thought that it would be marvel quality, thats exactly what fox hoped would happen. This movie was so bad that Stan Lee didn't even want to cameo in it, despite him being the "executive producer", all that means  is that he created the source material, he had no say in the making of this travesty.


MTV Awards


Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) **WINNER
Avengers: Age of Ultron (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Creed (Warner Bros.)
Deadpool (20th Century Fox)
Jurassic World (Universal Pictures)
Straight Outta Compton (Universal Pictures)


Straight Outta Compton (Universal Pictures) **WINNER
Concussion (Columbia Pictures)
Joy (20th Century Fox)
Steve Jobs (Universal Pictures)
The Big Short (Paramount Pictures)
The Revenant (20th Century Fox)


Amy (A24) **WINNER
Cartel Land (The Orchard)
He Named Me Malala (Fox Searchlight Pictures)
The Hunting Ground (RADiUS-TWC)
The Wolfpack (Magnolia Pictures)
What Happened, Miss Simone? (Netflix)


Charlize Theron -- Mad Max: Fury Road (Warner Bros.) **WINNER
Alicia Vikander -- Ex Machina (A24)
Anna Kendrick -- Pitch Perfect 2 (Universal Pictures)
Daisy Ridley -- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Jennifer Lawrence -- Joy (20th Century Fox)
Morena Baccarin -- Deadpool (20th Century Fox)


Leonardo DiCaprio -- The Revenant (20th Century Fox) ** WINNER
Chris Pratt -- Jurassic World (Universal Pictures)
Matt Damon -- The Martian (20th Century Fox)
Michael B. Jordan -- Creed (Warner Bros.)
Ryan Reynolds -- Deadpool (20th Century Fox)
Will Smith -- Concussion (Columbia Pictures)


Daisy Ridley -- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) ** WINNER
Amy Schumer -- Trainwreck (Universal Pictures)
Brie Larson -- Room (A24)
Dakota Johnson -- Fifty Shades of Grey (Universal Pictures)
John Boyega -- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
O'Shea Jackson Jr. -- Straight Outta Compton (Universal Pictures)


Ryan Reynolds -- Deadpool (20th Century Fox) **WINNER
Amy Schumer -- Trainwreck (Universal Pictures)
Kevin Hart -- Ride Along 2 (Universal Pictures)
Melissa McCarthy -- Spy (20th Century Fox)
Rebel Wilson -- Pitch Perfect 2 (Universal Pictures)
Will Ferrell -- Get Hard (Warner Bros.)


Chris Pratt -- Jurassic World (Universal Pictures) **WINNER
Dwayne Johnson -- San Andreas (Warner Bros.)
Jennifer Lawrence -- The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 2 (Lionsgate)
John Boyega -- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Ryan Reynolds -- Deadpool (20th Century Fox)
Vin Diesel -- Furious 7 (Universal Pictures)


Jennifer Lawrence -- The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (Lionsgate) **WINNER
Charlize Theron -- Mad Max: Fury Road (Warner Bros.)
Chris Evans -- Avengers: Age of Ultron (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Daisy Ridley -- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Dwayne Johnson -- San Andreas (Warner Bros.)
Paul Rudd -- Ant-Man (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)


Adam Driver -- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) **WINNER
Ed Skrein -- Deadpool (20th Century Fox)
Hugh Keays-Byrne -- Mad Max: Fury Road (Warner Bros.)
James Spader -- Avengers: Age of Ultron (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Samuel L. Jackson -- Kingsman: The Secret Service (20th Century Fox)
Tom Hardy -- The Revenant (20th Century Fox)


Amy Poehler -- Inside Out (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) **WINNER
Andy Serkis -- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Jack Black -- Kung Fu Panda 3 (20th Century Fox)
James Spader -- Avengers: Age of Ultron (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Lupita Nyong'o -- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Seth MacFarlane -- Ted 2 (Universal Pictures)


Pitch Perfect 2 (Universal Pictures) **WINNER
Avengers: Age of Ultron (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Furious 7 (Universal Pictures)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (Lionsgate)
Trainwreck (Universal Pictures)


Rebel Wilson & Adam DeVine -- Pitch Perfect 2 (Universal Pictures) **WINNER
Amy Schumer & Bill Hader -- Trainwreck (Universal Pictures)
Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan -- Fifty Shades of Grey (Universal Pictures)
Leslie Mann & Chris Hemsworth -- Vacation (Warner Bros.)
Margot Robbie & Will Smith -- Focus (Warner Bros.)
Morena Baccarin & Ryan Reynolds -- Deadpool (20th Century Fox)


Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) vs. Ajax (Ed Skrein) -- Deadpool (20th Century Fox) ** WINNER
Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) vs. The Bear -- The Revenant (20thCentury Fox)
Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) vs. Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy) -- Mad Max: Fury Road (Warner Bros.)
Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) vs. Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) -- Avengers: Age of Ultron (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Rey (Daisy Ridley) vs. Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) -- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) vs. Lia (Nargis Fakhri) -- Spy (20thCentury Fox)

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Orange is The New Black

Get ready to book some more time in Litchfield! Netflix announced the premiere date for Orange Is the New Black's fourth season and also released a first look at the hit show's latest batch of episodes on Sunday, January 17.
The 67th Annual Emmy Awards just came and went, and even though Orange is the New Black didn’t make out as well as it did last year, Uzo “Crazy Eyes” Aduba managed to become the first woman in TV history – and the first person after Ed Asner – to win both Comedy and Drama Emmys for playing the same character. Will her streak continue next year and beyond? We don’t know, but here’s everything we do know about Season 4
Given that both Season 2 and Season 3 were released in June, it makes sense that Netflix would give Season 4 a June premiere date. Recently, the streaming service announced that Orange is the New Black will return on Friday, June 17 at 12:01 a.m. PT.  

In addition, in February, Netflix also stated that the service gave Orange is the New Black a huge renewal order. And when we say huge, we mean huge. Along with Season 4, Orange is the New Black has been renewed for Seasons 5, 6 and 7, as well. Plus, showrunner Jenji Kohan is confirmed for each of those. 

Last Airbender movie

I am 17 years old and I loved the avatar series and my opinion of this movie is comming from a fan of the show's point of view; being that I am a part of the teenage demographic that this movie was targeting, I think I can speak for most airbender fans. this was by far the biggest disaster of a movie I have seen since Dragon Ball came out. I guess the best way to write this review is by the rating scale provided by yahoo: story, acting, direction, visuals, and overall. Story: I have got to give them credit for trying to stick to the series's storyline, but they made a massive fail in execution. The movie tried way too hard to reenact each episode and fit it into a movie that's under 2 hours long. also, the fire benders couldn't bend fire out of the air (all but one) which was EXTREMELY disappointing and i didnt understand why they chose to make that change. Acting: As for the acting of the movie, it was horrendous: everyone in the film either over-acted the whole time or didn't act it out enough to make me feel attached to the characters. when there was tragedy going on I either felt like "what?" or "so, I've only seen you in like 3 minutes of screen time. who cares if your not around anymore." in other words, I never got attached to the characters like i usually do in good films. some of the dramatic moments were actually more humorous than sad. Direction: the direction of this movie was EVERYWHERE! I watched all of the episodes from the cartoon since it came out when i was about 14 years old so i know all about what they talked about in the movie with no explanation necessary, but for anyone that was new to the airbender storyline would have no idea what was going on after about 1/3 of the way through. they mentioned very important things from the series that play a major part in the story very quickly with little or no explanation IE: the "hidden library" was HUGE in the series and definitely required more talking than it was given in the movie, the spirit world left you feeling confused about what was going on, and alot more that im not even going to get into. Visuals: the bending in the movie really left you wanting more (not in a good way), it was super disappointing and did not look very fun to watch. the bending looked more like a dance with no elemental outcome than bending. im not too concerned with "the scar" that everyone in getting all worked up about, because if someone had a burn wound like he did in real life it would look very similar to what we saw in the film. anyway, i wish they had put more effort out on the bending factor and not chose to skip or shorten fight scenes by merely "scaring" away the bad guys (you'll understand if you dare to watch this movie). Overall: the movie was overall a cop-out of a film. i guarantee that the fans would have loved to wait a little longer for the films release if they would have gotten a better job on just about everything in the movie. I'd like to end this review on a good note and that note is..... (drum role) the trailers were pretty sweet looking, just watch them and bask in the mystery of not watching the film. trust me, it'll be better if you not know what it actually looks like, just use those images to visualize what it looks like and you will have a better time thinking about it, i did

Gods Of Egypt

“Raiders of the Lost Ark.” “300.” “The Man Who Would Be King.” These are some films the makers of “Gods of Egypt” have seen. Unfortunately what they have made is more like the “Battlefield Earth” of sword-and-sorcery movies. Like the lobby of a Donald Trump building, it looks ever so expensive and amazingly cheap at the same time.
The ancient Egyptian fun begins when, on the day the king (Bryan Brown) prepares to pass the crown to his son Horus (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), he is instead murdered by his treacherous brother Set (Gerard Butler), who has unexpectedly returned from exile in the Scottish part of Egypt to seize power.
In a ferocious battle in which Set and Horus suddenly shape-shift into metallic giant animals, Horus winds up with no eyes, which is how I wish I’d gone into this movie.
Luckily a mortal boy named Bek (Brenton Thwaites), an expert burglar, manages to rescue one of the magical sparkling eyes from its place amid a deadly series of “Raiders of the Lost Ark”-style traps. Horus, eager to get his eye back, tries to kill Bek but then secures the eye in a deal to try to retrieve Bek’s former girlfriend (Courtney Eaton) from the land of the dead.
For Horus to exact his revenge against Set has something to do with killing the desert with a drop of magical water scooped up from — where else? — the spaceship captained by the sun god, and Horus’ granddad, Ra (Geoffrey Rush).
Ra, wearing his hair in a blond queue down the back of his neck and wreathed in a kind of Duraflame glow that makes him look like Olivia Newton-John in “Xanadu,” spends his days protecting Egypt by firing his flamethrowing staff at a nefarious smog monster. Rush was Casanova Frankenstein in “Mystery Men” and the voice of Tomar-Re in “The Green Lantern,” and yet I feel confident in declaring this a career low never to be eclipsed in a thousand lifetimes.
But back in Egypt, Horus and Bek join forces with the goddess of love, Hathor (Elodie Yung), whom the former sportingly forgives for having shacked up with the villainous Set while Horus was away. They do battle with gigantic sand snakes that breathe fire, but only when all prey is safely out of range.
Assisted by the god of wisdom (Chadwick Boseman), a swishy fellow in a leather-and-gold nightie who enjoys contemplating the mysteries of lettuce and hangs around with a hundred clones of himself, they confront the riddles of the terrifying sphinx who, when bested, cries, “Oh, bother,” like Winnie the Pooh.
There’s more. Much more, and all of it seemingly dictated by the effects team, presumably while high on mescaline. The script is left merely with tasks like randomly doling out unexplained new magical powers, having characters turn into molten gold animals or shooing everyone along into the next set piece in the flaming-fortress puzzle-pyramid or the obelisk of doom. Assembling all of this into some kind of coherence is not the point; be dazzled or be damned. As one character puts it, “If I ever attempted to explain, your brain would liquefy and run out of your ears.”