"Smoking Kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.'
-Brooke Shields
- Now if you have died, it is reasonable to assume that you have ceased to have any important parts to your life, because you're dead. Now, Brooke is coming from a good place here, and simply put her foot in her mouth.
"I won't go into a big spiel about reincarnation, but the first time I was in the Gucci store in Chicago was the closest I've ever felt to home."
-Kanye West
- This quote almost makes sense, but it needed to be a more complete thought.
"I think that the film Clueless was very deep. It was deep in the way that it was very light. I think lightness has to come from a very deep place if it's true lightness"
-Alicia Silverstone
- Ladies and gentlemen this is what you would call writing your speech for L.A. on the bus ride to school.
A few gems from Jaden Smith's twitter...
"If a book store never runs out of a certain book dose..." (yes he spells it that way I know how to spell does)"...that mean that nobody reads it, or everybody reads it."
- Wow, that is so profound Jaden. I feel sorry for Will Smith, all of his talent was too happy inside his body and refused to be passed onto his two offspring.
"School is the tool to brainwash the youth"
- Yes, don't go to school kids, then you'll be successful! Oh wait, that's not how it works. "But Bill Gates didn't have a college diploma" -Annoying Kid. Yes, and you're not a genius like he is now are you?
"If newborn babies could speak they would be the most intelligent beings on planet earth"
- WHY? God, you're faux philosophical tweets are ridiculous.
"How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?"
- He's into bs territory now,
"Trees are never sad look at them every once in a while they're quite beautiful."
- And so so so many more...
"I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with hitting a woman."
- You know, I don't know where to stand on this, however you shouldn't hit anyone unless your life is in danger. Some could argue that he refuses to see women as different and will treat them the same as men. If taken at face value it would seem that he is a woman beater. He either believes in total equality, or doesn't have a problem hitting one, I can't decide what he means. Now I couldn't forgive myself if I ever hit a woman I cared for, because that would mean that I was no better than any other scumbag.
Now switching to other celebrities
"Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna, but it says 'Chicken of the Sea.'"
-Jessica Simpson
- I'll be honest, I made the same mistake when I was 5, confused the crap out of me.
"Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a Belieber."
-Justin Bieber
- Oh my god, talking about Anne frank like she is some terminally ill kid in a hospital is offensive. Oh wait, that's offensive when any celebrity takes 30 seconds from their day to appear like they care about others instead of bloating their own over inflated egos, my mistake. God, the audacity of this guy, A good girl? You didn't even know her, you probably read the cliff-note of her diary.
"I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitchin', a total freakin' rock star from Mars."
-Charlie Sheen
- I'm not gonna poke fun at a guy with a horrible addiction problem, he does the public a service by showing kids what happens when you do drugs, oh wait if people look at his life that may make drugs look enticing, oh well.
"I'd rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a can."
-Gwyneth Paltrow
- God I hate this insufferable actress with such a passion. It seems as though her entire life is dedicated to being the most pretentious and whiny person possible. Don't be fooled folks her life is as hard as a family below the poverty line, they don't know how hard she has it. Yes, I bet poor people would hate to have to go off of food stamps and be able to live an adequate life, let alone an extremely lavish life at that.
"I spoke to a girl today who had cancer, and we were talking about how this is such a hard thing for her, but it taught her a big lesson on who her friends are and so much about life. She's 18. And I was like, that's how I feel."
-Kim Kardashian
- You're comparing your life Kim, the one were you get naked to be famous and then again whenever you think your fame is slipping, to someone with cancer. Do you have the fear of death hanging over you every single day? Is your body filled with poison in hopes of killing the cancerous cells within you? No, you have a terrible reality show. Granted she is an extremely talented marketer and has amassed a great fortune, gotta give credit where credit is due, she IS successful for reasons other than her looks.
"All of a sudden, you're, like, the bin Laden of America. Osama bin Laden is the only one who knows exactly what I'm going through."
-R. Kelly
- Actually I'm pretty sure Osama didn't pee on underage girls, so in that respect you are worse than Osama bin Laden Mr/ Kelly. Granted R. Kelly is no terrorist, just a pervert and has a knack for saying some dumb things.
"I'd kill myself if I was as fat as Marilyn Monroe."
-Elizabeth Hurley
- For starters who is Elizabeth Hurley? Oh, nobody else? Yeah me either, and yet I know Marilyn Monroe, because she is an American icon. Other than that, wow what a harsh statement. Monroe is THE sex symbol of the 1950's and 1960's, I imagine she was many girls inspiration for what they wanted to look like. She shows woman that curves are beautiful and that is a wonderful thing, screw Elizabeth Hurley.
Thanks to WatchMojo.com for supplying this list of quotes for me to commentate on.
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