Sunday, December 20, 2015

Breaking Bad

Oh my, the masterpiece of AMC has come to an end. Breaking Bad is done, and now it is time to find another source of blogging material. This show was more than just easy to write blogs about, it was a deep, sophisticated show that deserved a majority of the praise that is has received over the years. No other show produced by AMC has been of this quality, not to say the quality is low for their other shows but that they simply do not compare. Why is that? Because AMC was not Vince Gilligan's first choice, he went to TNT, ABC, and other major broadcasting companies who refused to "Glorify Meth", so AMC lucked out.  Shows like The Walking Dead were my previous staple of grab and go content for this blog, but I am fully aware that these are two wholly different experiences. Perhaps I'm blinded by the glory of Breaking Bad, because when I was watching Breaking Bad I did not have the continuous "Why did they do that?!" moments like I did with The Walking Dead. No sir, when a problem reared it's ugly head, Jessie, Walt, and Saul Goodman were on the case to fix it. Ranging from brilliantly crafted schemes that leave one saying "Oh dang!", to borderline sadistic strategies that leave the audience shocked and questioning whether a line has been crossed. Well the proverbial line was driven over, set on fire, and buried in a shallow grave on many occasions by Antagonists and Protagonists alike. Gustavo and Walter used to differ however there brutality mirrored one another towards both of their deaths. Gustavo poisoned the higher ups of the Salamanca cartel, crafted a dastardly plan to take out Hank and the Salamanca twins in one fell swoop, then the most personal one was where he slit the throat of a subordinate while intensely staring at Jessie, Walter, and Mike all the while saying nothing. On the other hand Walter is equally if not more brutal in the execution of his plans, mainly because he causes pain to those whom he is supposed to love and care for. During The Walking Dead I found myself questioning almost every move they made in utter frustration.
       Now it is undisputed that The Walking Dead is popular but it is revealed to be very basic and lazy once broken down. Granted I do not have the time to break down this show in great detail, but I will do my best to write as many words as possible to fill my quota... Whoops, I meant write a quality piece. Now "Oh look a zombie, run!" is a little fuzzy to me but I remember the basic concept which becomes all too familiar with one who binge watched the series. Basically all this show is stuck in a continuous loop of finding a new character or piece of information, said new thing brings the ever changing gang of fellows to another location where everything looks great, then bad stuff happens. If this wasn't written I think the gratuitous amount of sarcasm in my voice would kill someone. When I sit back and think that is all that show is, it is honestly a little unsettling how popular the show is given the lack of effort put into the story. I am aware that it is based off of a graphic novel which makes sense, each new issue they find a new place and go through some crap. Then they do it all over again, I think it would be better in the written version. That way I wouldn't have to see a protagonist stab a zombie in the head for no other reason then, "Eh why not?", not like we have a story to tell" because why would you shoot it? Not like you won't magically stumble on an arsenal in a yellow H2 in a redneck's driveway, oh wait wrong lazily written zombie flick. Except that is how it always goes, with the complexity of the guns increasing at the same rate of the shows budget, the amount of literal divine intervention like saves that keep the characters alive, and how the rules of the show are conveniently forgotten to help the plot.

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