Sunday, December 13, 2015

Stupid Pink Bear

Don't get me wrong Breaking Bad is a fantastic show, full of complicated dialogue, there are very deep conflicts going around and inside many characters, and it is full of surprises, but I do have a few small complaints. 

The one that really peeved me was the air plane crash, for half of the show there was this eerie black and white sequence with a charred pink bear in the Whites pool. I instantly thought that Walter became desperate enough to make meth in his own house and he was careless which resulted in him blowing up the house. Nope, all that foreshadowing for a plane crash that wasn't even sad. Then they all wore ribbons like the audience cared about the event. Granted, the cause of the crash was very moving. It has built upon the two meth parents and their abuse of their child. Maybe this is starting to change what Jessie thinks about drugs. Will it lead to him having an altercation with Mr. White in the end? Probably, you all know anyways. Yes I know that it was supposed to show the impact of drugs on those around users but this was a little extreme and fare fetched. Which in my opinion made it hard to relate to and thus ineffective as a device to move the plot. Then the writers won't let it go, like we still care about it. We didn't know anyone in this fake plane crash, and it didn't hurt any character that we know of, just let it go. 

All in all I'm upset about the let down after all that build up for this mysterious pink bear. The eye that Walter kept is bound to show up again, can't wait for that.

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