Sunday, October 18, 2015

Really Walking Dead, Really?

Well this show has some seriously shallow plot devices, and important points that are left unaddressed.

     Walking Deads' plot is full of more holes than Swiss cheese. He would have a gnarly infection from his gunshot wound, which would have killed him before he even woke up. Mr. Deputy Sheriff also didn't receive any physical therapy, and we can assume was without medical care for quite some time. Which begs the question as to how wasn't he suffering from dehydration, or dead from it.  So even if he wasn't killed by any number of medical issues, it would be unlikely that he would recover.  He then gets hit in the face with a shovel, the impact would have broken his nose. My favorite would be how he found a horse and knocked the dust off the old riding skills in a couple a seconds. Another example of some simple action attempting to push forward the plot would be the dropped key down the exhaust pipe of the building. Are you kidding me? That should be something I see out of a crappy kids show. Not a so called "critically acclaimed" series, that so far is one of the worst shows I've seen in a while. Maybe it gets better with a larger budget, but dang it will have to work hard in order to impress me after its' sorry start.

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